Saturday, 21 July 2012

Asian Lanterns

Asian Lanterns Biography.  
Chinese decorating, with its perfectly balanced yet complex beauty, is typically made up of vibrantly colored patterns and textured objects set against darkly wooded furniture.
Ivory carved figurines, porcelain vases, lacquered fixtures, bamboo, scenic tapestry and wall hangings, all serve to set a mystic and harmonious environment.
Many of these objects and images, with specific purposes in mind, are chosen due to their symbolic nature as they are believed to attract life's positive energies into the home, while repelling the negative.
Asian Lanterns
 Asian Lanterns
 Asian Lanterns
 Asian Lanterns
 Asian Lanterns
 Asian Lanterns
 Asian Lanterns
 Asian Lanterns
Asian Lanterns
Chinese Lanterns (Demonstration - Basic Shape)

Asian Lanterns

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