Friday, 20 July 2012

Secret War In Laos

Secret War In Laos Biography.
   The Assembly Bill AB 78 has the purpose to introduce the "Secret War" (1961-1973) in Laos as a part of the curriculum in social sciences or in history at California Public Schools. The main part of interest concerns Hmong and other Southeast Asians' critical roles in the "Secret War", part of the Vietnam War, which is a part of the American History. It recommands to teachers from grade 7 to 12 to initiate students to this war. Veterans, experts as well as other existing documents will be sollicited to increase the awareness and knowledge of this historical event.

In December 2002, this Bill has been initiated in Fresno by California AssemblyWoman Sarah Reyes, District 31 (Fresno) in consultation with a group of young Hmong women. For the support of this Bill, there was a mobilization by Hmong community through radio talk shows, petitions, TV shows, public meetings and lobby. The main supportive organization was
Hmong Educational Task Force with its President, Peter Vang, and its two very active members, Doua Vue -- who proposed the idea of this bill to Assemblymember Sarah Reyes--, and Pai Yang, activist. This organization with numerous supporters and volonteers, well-known leaders and committed students, have strongly organized the support: lobby at the State Capitol in Sacramento, dialog with Veterans, private fundraising for transportation.

Assembly Woman Sarah Reyes has initiated this bill for 3 main raisons: her first reason was political: she sank vote and popularity upon the Hmong community like any wise politician. The Hmong population represents 10% vote of the Fresno area. The second reason was feminist: she would like to enhance historical awareness among Hmong women, and the third reason was politico-educational: she acts toward minorities recognition, especially Hmong people at California schools : it helps to raise self-esteem among Hmong children: during 2001-2002, more than 8 Hmong teenagers have been committed suicide in the Fresno area.
Something needs to be done. It was certainly this Bill.

Secret War In Laos
 Secret War In Laos
 Secret War In Laos
 Secret War In Laos
 Secret War In Laos
 Secret War In Laos
 Secret War In Laos
 Secret War In Laos
Secret War In Laos
Secret War In Laos
CIA Secret War in Laos 1961-1975

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