Saturday, 21 July 2012

Rubenesque Paintings

Rubenesque Paintings Biography.
   Peter Paul Rubens was the leading baroque artist and most prolific painter in northern Europe, particularly for churches and abbeys. Baroque was art made to celebrate Catholicism and to overwhelm and impress people into realising the strength of the Catholic Church. Rubens was a devout catholic.
   Peter Paul Rubens. Raising of the Cross. On display at the Louvre.Rubens was born June 28, 1577 and spent most of his life in Antwerp, Flanders. He lived in Italy from 1600-1608.Aside from being the one of the greatest artists of his time, Peter Paul Rubens was also a diplomat in his later life, and travelled a fair bit by virtue of this role. He was well suited to diplomacy because he was very good at dealing with people. Rubens died of gout in 1640 at age 62.  
Rubenesque Paintings
 Rubenesque Paintings
 Rubenesque Paintings
 Rubenesque Paintings
Rubenesque Paintings
 Rubenesque Paintings
 Rubenesque Paintings
 Rubenesque Paintings
Rubenesque Paintings
Rubenesque Paint Pot
Rubenesque Paintings
Mac Paint Pot Rubenesque and Bare Study

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