Saturday, 21 July 2012

Asian Platform Bed

Asian Platform Bed Biography.
   Early Asian societies also developed the concept of a timber platform bed frame to raise the sleeper of the ground. The Chinese began to craft very elaborate and carved platform beds, some of which became almost a small bedchamber. Because the boxspring as we know it was not invented until the mid 1860’s, almost all incarnations of the bed up to that point can really be considered platform beds, though we generally think of a platform bed as having a solid surface for sleeping rather than having a rope, leather or slat base for the mattress to lie upon. 
   Interestingly Asian platform beds had no significant impact on western bed design until early in the 20th Century when design became a more international in it’s influences and concepts.
Asian Platform Bed
 Asian Platform Bed
 Asian Platform Bed
 Asian Platform Bed
 Asian Platform Bed
 Asian Platform Bed
 Asian Platform Bed
Asian Platform Bed
Asian Platform Bed
Asian Influenced Bedroom Set with Platform Bed

Asian Platform Bed
Asian Antique Opium Bed Japanese Beds

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